Completed Analyses

AB 2467


Legislation Text (2024-03-04)
Full Report (2024-04-16)
Key Findings (2024-04-16)
Infographic (2024-04-16)

SB 1236

Medicare Supplements

Legislation Text (2024-02-15)
Infographic (2024-04-18)

AB 2180

Cost Sharing

Legislation Text (2024-04-10)
Legislation Text (2024-02-07)
Infographic (2024-05-07)
Infographic (2024-04-16)

AB 3059

Human Milk

Legislation Text (2024-03-11)
Full Report (2024-04-16)
Key Findings (2024-04-16)
Infographic (2024-04-16)
Letter (2024-07-15)

AB 2843

Rape and Sexual Assault

Legislation Text (2024-02-15)
Full Report (2024-04-16)
Key Findings (2024-04-16)
Infographic (2024-04-16)

AB 2668

Cranial Prostheses

Legislation Text (2024-02-14)
Full Report (2024-04-15)
Key Findings (2024-04-15)
Infographic (2024-04-15)

SB 1180

Emergency Medical Services

Legislation Text (2024-02-14)

AB 2028

Medical Loss Ratios

Legislation Text (2024-02-01)

SB 1008

Obesity Treatment Parity Act

Legislation Text (2024-03-14)
Letter (2024-04-10)

AB 3245

Colorectal Cancer Screening

Legislation Text (2024-02-16)
Letter (2024-03-26)


Additional information

Recent requests

See all bill analysis requests from the California Legislature currently in progress.

Glossary of key terms

Definitions of useful health insurance-related terminology.

60-day timeline

An overview of CHBRP’s analytic process.

Explore the timeline